What to bring to a swim meet

If you have been a swim parent for a while and lived through your fair share of swim meets, you probably already have your system down perfectly, right?  You know exactly what your swimmer will need at any given time and you are ready for anything! Huh? That’s not you? Well, if you aren’t that person, you probably know one….THE perfect swim mom….she has the best snacks, the dryest towels, the correct amount of change for the vending machine, new games and toys to kill the time, extra phone and ipad chargers etc. etc. etc.  We all know at least one person like that! In an effort to help the rest of us, I polled the best swim moms I know and compiled a list of their swim meet “MUST HAVES”.

Now…this is a pretty comprehensive list, so you can pick and choose the items you think your swimmer will need….or at least the items you are willing to pack!!  

Packing for the Meet

Are you a  prepacker? You know…the one who has the backpack packed and ready to go,  sitting by the door, the night before, when you have to leave at 4am, to make it to warm up on time?  If you are, HOORAY!! You are one step ahead already! If not….consider becoming a prepacker. It will make your morning run so much smoother!  


Towels – Lots of them!  Big plush beach towels and microfiber towels.  Both are great for a meet. Some swimmers really love that big fluffy warm towel, but consider bringing a couple of lightweight microfiber or chamois towels.  They are easy to carry and can really save the day! My favorites are:

Tube Towels.  They are really wonderful because they are big, lightweight, easy to carry…they don’t take much of the precious backpack space…and they dry quickly.  They really are a must have! We can embroider them too, just to be sure you go home with your towel!!

Extra Suits – Okay, little Susie has her team suit and she’s required to wear it….why would I need another suit?  You just never know! She could rip that cute team suit and the last time I checked, suits are required!!  ðŸ™‚ It is always a great idea to have a generic suit on hand…just in case. We have some great ones in stock.  They are inexpensive and perfect for the backup suit!

These examples are inexpensive…great quality and they will always be acceptable in an emergency.  Perfect practice suits too! Of course, our site is full of really cute suits…just about anything  you little heart desires!! And if you can’t find that perfect print, we can design one for you!! “What???” you say….well, yes, as a matter of fact we can design that perfect suit for you!  Check out our Custom Suits area!! Or call us at the store…Chelsea and I LOVE to design!! We can even put a picture on a suit!

Goggle and Extra Goggles – Yes, this may seem like an obvious item, but you would be surprised at how many people get to the meet and are clamoring for a set of goggles.  Not all meets have pro shops set up, so you should ALWAYS have at least two pairs of goggles in your swim meet kit!

Of course, every swimmer has their favorite, but the absolute best seller is the Speedo Vanquisher 2.0.  They come in adult, youth and junior sizes, mirrored or clear and several different colors.

Another popular option is the MP XCEED.   MIchael Phelps wears these and he loves them!  They also come in several different colors and I have been getting great feedback on them!!

Clothes –  Well…if you could just bring their whole closet, that would be best…..but….since you can’t, here are some must haves: Besides the back up suit, you will need

  1.  A change of clothes (or two) for after the meet…when the team goes to the pizza place…or you just drive home with some cranky, tired kids.
  2.  UNDERWEAR – That is in capital letters by the contributing Mom….she must know of what she speaks!! haha
  3.  Hoodie – Yes, even in the summer, you can run into that unusual cold snap.  A warm hoodie can be life saver. I can’t tell you how many times I sat with a wet lap holding my shivering daughter, wrapped in a towel, at a June swim meet, in the South!  It does happen, so be prepared!!
  4.  Flip flops – Either the deck is slippery, or rough, or hot or they just don’t want to run around without something on their feet.  Instead of them struggling to put on shoes between events, bring a pair of slides or flip flops. Another great idea for sure!!

Personal Items – Swim meets can be long, so you really need to be prepared for any situation.  Here is a list of personal items you may want to pack:

Sunblock, Chlorine removal shampoo and conditioner, Swim Spray (great for neutralizing the effects of chlorine on hair body and clothes!!)  tampons, hair brush, ponytail holders, baby wipes, hand sanitizer and I’m sure there’s so much more.

We have great options for those Chlorine removal products!  Check them out on our website!

Here are just a few:

Something to Sit On – Yes, most of the time you will need to bring your own chairs.  I suggest you volunteer to time at meets…you get the best seat, they bring you water and snacks and you don’t get bored!  But, if that isn’t your cup of tea, then make sure you bring your own seat….and one for your swimmer! The suggestions from the Moms in the Know are:

Chairs for you, cot or chair for your swimmer, bleacher seat if you are at a pool with bleachers, blankets, pillows or anything else to lay on the ground.  I used to bring a small pop up cabana for my swimmer to lounge between events. It provided a bit of shade and she had her own “spot”. It worked really well.  In any event, bring whatever you need to keep you and your swimmer comfortable!

Something to Pass the Time – If your swimmer is young, chances are the first half of the meet, at least….they will be running around with thier friends and you won’t see much of them!  But…there will come a time, especially if it’s a long meet, they will need something to do! Boredom…as we all know is the bane of parental existence!! The last thing any parent ever wants to hear is “Mooommmmmm……I’m boooorrrred!!!!” Am I right, or what?  So…with that in mind, here are the Mom’s suggestions;

Games, cards, coloring books and digital whatever (You know what I mean!)  Extra batteries for those digital whatevers.

For you, be sure to bring a book or digital whatever…. or I used to crochet…whatever you can bring to help you pass the time between your kid’s races.  

First Aid Kit – All pools should have one, but sometimes they can be hard to get, so just carry your own….you ARE the perfect Swim Mom…remember??  If you don’t have an actual kit, here are the basics:

Pain reliever (more for you than the swimmer – but a must have), Waterproof bandaids and liquid bandaid (becoming pretty popular at swim meets), Antibacterial cream or spray and an ice pack.  Again…most athletic facilities will have access to ice, but sometimes it can take quite a while to get a bag of ice to ice that shoulder!

Mom, I’m hungry!!  – Not all meets have concession stands and even if they do, sometimes they don’t offer the kind of food you want your swimmer to consume to perform at their best!  Now….I could go on forever on healthy snacks to bring…but we’ll leave that for another blog….SO…..healthy snacks and LOTS of them are a must!! Your sweet child is going to share…that’s what you taught them to do….so be prepared!  A cooler of drinks…mostly water or sports drinks is great for the kids. For you moms…..I’m sure we can all agree that a glass of wine after a long meet is wonderful………um….ah……..oh sorry, I got distracted for a minute there…basically, don’t forget to pack for yourself too!  Moms get hungry and thirsty too! But…leave the wine for later….sigh!!

Oh….and one Mom suggested a water bottle!  That is a great idea!!

Miscellaneous –  Now just because these things are in the miscellaneous category doesn’t mean they are optional!  Oh NO!! Some of these items are extrememly important, so look at these carefully and decide which, if not all, of these you want to pack!

Portable fan – On a hot day you will be so happy you brought this!

Extra chargers – You know which ones!!

Cash – You’ll need it!  Heat sheets, concessions, pro shop etc.

Highlighters, Sharpies and Pens – If you haven’t been to a meet yet….just trust me and bring these!  You will need them!

Ziplock bag and Wal Mart bags – They come in VERY handy.  When I am with the kids or traveling I still bring a wet washcloth in a ziplock bag.  It has saved me so many times!

Blanket and Pillow for the ride home – You may be able to use the same one as you used at the pool, but it’s always a good idea to have dry set in the car!  

Patience and a sense of humor – Bring LOTS of that!  And don’t forget that this is for your kids…..be sure to praise them and be a good example of sportsmanship and kindness.  They are watching you! Be the kind of person you want them to be! Have a great time with them. Believe me, it goes by way too fast!  

Happy Swimming!!


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